bucket list

some things I have to do in the US:
- get an awesome host family
- survive saying goodbye to all my friends and family
- visit Boston
- have an amazing Camptime in Rhode Island
- take a picture in front of the Golden Gate Bridge
- spend a day in an Outlet Mall
- go to Los Angeles 
- eat as much oreo cookies as possible
- do a roadtrip
- visit as many states as possible (California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island)
- make someone thinking I'm American 
- lose my accent
- get a San Francisco 49'ers Football Jersey 
- go to San Diego
- go to a National Park
- eat in a steakhouse
- get an A
- Homecoming
- scare somebody on Halloween 
- find a dress
- go to Prom
- get a Californian license plate with my name on it
- decide, which candies are the best
- experience Thanksgiving
- watch a professional Baseballgame
- celebrate Christmas
- go to a Pumpkin Patch
- get scared on Halloween
- go to school in a pyjama
- see my first football game
- drink Mountain Dew 
- drink a Rootbeer Float 
- go to an Amusement Park
- ride a yellow school bus
- get sweet 16 and have an amazing birthday party
- drive in a stretch limo 
- take a picture with a star 
- walk over the Walk Of Fame
- finish my Scrapbook
- cook German 
- find my favorite icecream flavor
- don't gain too much weight
- climb up the Grand Canyon
- watch Superbowl 
- spend a day on the beach
- explore the Yosemite National Park
- go surfing
- watch someone playing in a casino in Las Vegas
- have the best year of my life
- go home :(

7 Kommentare:

  1. du warst doch schon in einem gelben schulbus oder nicht? :--)

  2. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  3. Ja, ich werde die Liste am Wochenende mal wieder aktualisieren :-) danke für die Hinweise!

  4. wie lange vorher musstest du dich um dein Austausch Jahr kümmern??

  5. "go home", der letzte Punkt auf der Liste.... Du hast es bald geschaftt und du kannst stolz dafür sein! Deutschland wartet. Wieder "ankommen".... Du hast viel Gepäck. Du bist ein neuer Mensch. Es gibt kein Heimweh. Diesmal wirst du mit dem Fernweh kämpfen müssen. Das schaffst du auch!
